Journal Of Social Sciences Guidelines to Authors

Contributors are advised to be guided by the following:

  • Each contribution should be typed double-line spacing (including references), with normal border margin of 1" all around.
  • Only the first page should reflect the name(s) of the author(s) for the purpose of blind review.
  • The language of the journal is English.
  • An abstract of not more than 200 words should precede the main body of the paper.
  • Five keywords for identifying the paper on web search should be supplied immediately below the Abstract.
  • The entire manuscript should not be more thant 3,500 words inclusive of tables, figures and references. A word count should be supplied below the keywords on the Abstract page.
  • Use of tables, figures, graphs, etc. should be kept to the barest minimum. These should be presented on separate pages at the end of the manuscript while indications of their location within the text should be given.
  • The Journal adopts the American Psychological Association. (APA) format (7th Edition) as its referencing style. Authors are advised to get acquainted with the format which can easily be sourced on the Internet. Manuscripts that fail to use the format may be rejected.
  • Acknowledgements should come at the end of references.
  • Manuscripts submitted must NOT be under consideration for publication in any other publication outlet. A declaration to this effect must accompany the submission of every manuscript.
  • Only articles that meet the editorial standard of the Journal will be published. Authors are advised to do the initial review of their papers before submission. Explanations may not be given for the rejection of sub-standard manuscripts or any paper that does not comply with the Journal's guideline.